Craigslist's Craig Newmark Connects

Craig Newmark, the founder of Craigslist, has a new project called craigconnects. As he explains it, craigconnects is:

  • vision of getting everyone in the world together for the common good via the Internet.
  • plan to support sustainable efforts; ones that are socially responsible, self-perpetuating and replicable.
  • service to connect and protect organizations and individuals that can help make that vision come true.
  • program that, for its first year of operation, is focused solely on the areas of support defined on this website, even though I know there are many other worthy efforts that might be worth support in the future, as craigconnects grows.
  • way to make this all happen, and I know some things will work, some not, but along the way maybe others will be inspired to join in.
  • channel through which my support — as a speaker, board member, social media champion, traditional media source, etc. – can be solicited. I tend to be overwhelmed with requests and craigconnects will help me manage this so I can do a lot more.


Found at YouTube from craignewmark.

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