Effects Of Online Buzz

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Effects Of Online Buzz



LISTEN To The Daily Numbers podcast.

87% of online Americans say positive information they’ve read online has reinforced their decision to buy a product or service that was recommended to them.
Conversely, 80% say negative information changed their mind about buying a recommended product or service.

THOUGHT: Anyone who has dug into their Google Webmaster Tools statistics knows that they get far more visibility from search engine “impressions” than they do visitors who have clicked on one of their links. While only a small percentage of those impressions typically result in clicks, every impression is a branding opportunity.

For that reason, when I do search engine optimization for a Tunheim client, I take a close look at the search results from their target audience(s) point of view.

Even if they don’t click on a link, what are they being exposed to in the search results?

If the person is conducting a brand search, much of the content in the search results are typically owned by the client–be it from their website, a Twitter or Facebook account, a LinkedIn profile, etc. But those very same results could also include content beyond the client’s control such as posts by bloggers, videos someone has uploaded, or ratings from review sites like Yelp.

The most important word regarding the numbers cited above, though, is recommended. These numbers are about how positive or negative information affects people who have searched for information about a product or service that has been recommended to them. Presumably, these people, then, are inclined to be favorable toward your company. Keep that in mind as you examine what they’re seeing.

Among the reasons people go online before deciding to make a purchase are to 1) research product/service information (6%), 2) search for consumer or user reviews (64%), 3) search for the product/service on a ratings website (50%), 4) search for opinions from product/service experts (43%), 5) read articles or blog posts about the product/service (42%)or 6) solicit opinions from their social networks (12%).

Does a search have stars from a ratings/review site like Yelp included in search results? How many are there? If there are only two, people might just dismiss you out of hand.

Look at the decision process from your target customers’ point of view in order to not just see what she’s seeing but also to understand her psychology as she’s arriving at a purchase decision.

KEYWORD WEDNESDAY: Among the most popular searches today at Google were “Amazon Tablet,” “New Kindle,” and “AMZN” on news that Amazon had released the new hotness, Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablet.

JOB: Tunheim client, Saint Mary’s University in Winona, is looking to hire a new Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communications. [DETAILS.] Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think may be interested.

Thank you for eBooks. 



in Winona hire a new Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communications.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
