A Practical Use For A Google Mashup

We just launched a Google Maps mashup for our client, . If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, a "Google Maps mashup" is simply putting one source of online data on top of a Google map, so you have data points on the map.

In the case of our client, we created a that features all of their Minnesota locations. If you click on one of the balloons on the map, you get a pop up window with the address and telephone number of the location, as well as a text box to enter your starting location so you can get directions. This is an example of a very practicle use for Google Maps that can add value and usability to your online presence.

For an example of a Google Maps mashup that is purely a marketing vehicle, check out ‘s absolutely amazingly done . Click on a location on the map and you get a short video clip from season five of what happened at that location, a text blurb explaining the context, and other information that is tightly integrated into the Sopranos section of HBO’s site.

The Soprano’s map created a lot of online buzz when it was released and that buzz helps create excitement for season six that begins this Sunday.

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The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
