Protecting Your Online Identity: The MPR In The Loop Interview

The interview I did with Minnesota Public Radio producer Julie Siple about online reputation management aired yesterday on the show.

I thought she did an excellent job with the story: You can and (in RealPlayer format).

The interview is for a show called In The Loop that includes a live audience component and the show has its own , Public Radio’s social networking service. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t include any of the live audience portion. UPDATE 10/30/19: Listen to the full In The Loop show including audience participation.

I realize this was a story for radio and therefore needed to be edited accordingly, but, at the risk of sounding egotistical, as I’ve mentioned before, I would’ve liked to have seen the unused portions of the interview put online to provide more depth to the story. I didn’t say anything particularly profound during the two interviews, but there were plenty of things that would have been helpful to people worried about managing their online reputation.

Such a practice would be easy and wouldn’t require much additional labor. If the interviewee had offered some comments off the record or only for background, that would have to be edited, but aside from that, I don’t see how it would be that tough to do.

Regardless, it was a fun interview and interesting to hear the final story. And, oh yeah, she did take my advice and dot-commed herself:

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
