The UpTake's Take On Barack's Victory Speech

Barack Obama Rally
Originally uploaded by robinraymn

, Minnesota’s own citizen journalism outfit, enjoyed its warmest moment in the sun thus far with of ‘s victory speech at the Xcel Energy Center last night.

The video coverage included an introductory speech before Obama took the stage. After that speech was over, however, The UpTake lost the video feed and my speakers, which were turned up rather high, emitted an ear-ripping kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk until I turned down the volume.

During this technical difficulty, the video showed, hilariously, what I guess was the cameraman looking directly at me as he tried to diagnose the problem. The feed was restored before Obama began, so viewers didn’t miss the start of the speech.

That was not the only technical difficulty, however; the sound dropped for about a minute halfway through the speech.

The feed ran without delay, so it was about five seconds ahead of CNN’s coverage. Does that constitute a scoop?

The UpTake’s video stream features a chatroom right next to the image, so anyone can comment or hold a discussion during the speech. The chat commentary gave the whole experience a fun, feel.

A live event wouldn’t be complete these days without live tweeting on Twitter, of course, and The UpTake had that covered as well.

Now, if we could only do this for NFL games!

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