Generation V Technographics

Generation V Using Technology

Generation V Using Technology


Ipsos OTX MediaCT

18% of parents will let their tween boys aged 9-12 play adult-rated video games
36% will let them play mature-rated games, provided a parent is playing too.
23% of children 6-12 regularly visit social networking sites.
41% of kids 11-12 do so.
By 11, half of kids have cell phones.
Half of the time it’s the parents’ idea.
10% of households with children under 13 now have iPads.
35% of households with children under 13 plan to purchase a tablet computer in the next year.
More than half of parents say their children should be able to go online on their own by age 6.

THOUGHT: Pay attention to how Generation V is uisng technology. This is the first generation to grow up fully immersed in the digital revolution and the generation that is being raised by tech-savvy Gen Xers and digital native Millennials.

These kids are already influencers and will soon grow into your customers. Think about the environment from whence they came and the expectations they’ve acquired there.

Their parents are much more comfortable with technology than any previous generation and thus their attitutdes about their childrens’ use of technology will be much more laissez faire. Parents are putting fewer limits on their children’s technology use, even if kids are just as supervised, if not more than ever.

The technology children are and will be using increases in realism and get ever more intuitive: Think Kinect motion-sensing video game contollers, think high-def touch screens, think surround sound and glasses-free 3D displays.

Think ubiquitous mobile.


BONUS: Generation V On Rotary Phones & Webkinz.


Thank you Italian phrases.


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