Website Parts

Photo of a hand using a touch screen tablet computer.


Six Revisions Infographic

31% of websites use the PHP development language.
21% use Microsoft’s
1.96% use Ruby On Rails.
36% use the HTML markup language.
That compares to the 65.1% that uses XHTML (some use both).

THOUGHT: Too few communications pros–be they in the advertising, marketing, public relations, or media industries–have a solid grasp of how the foundation of the Web, the websites themselves, work.

Many do not have the vaguest idea of what the basic building blocks of a website are. As a result, they have a poor grasp of how their clients’ websites can best be used as stand-alone communication tools, as the driving force for search engine visibility, as a customer service vehicle. 

As more organizations move ownership of their web presence from the IT department to marketing and public relations departments,  and as project management for website redesigns are being put in the hands of communication professionals, a technical understanding of websites becomes all the more important. 

Websites are just as often broken during a redesign as they are updated or fixed. The people handling these projects need to know not only how they can best be utilized but what mistakes must be avoided. 

MINNESOTA MONDAY:  Minnesota-based 3M has released an iPad app for Post-it Notes

Thank you for pies. Pies are good. 

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
