How People Learn About Retailers [CHART]

Chart: Retailer Awareness Sources

Consumers are still highly influenced by word of mouth (W-O-M) when it comes to trying out a new retailer. A full 45% of consumers say that a friend or family member had recommended the most recent retailer they had purchased from for the first time, per findings from a report from Yes Marketing.

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Weekly Commercial Message Consumption Frequency [CHART]

Chart: Weekly Commercial Message Consumption Frequency

While very few marketers would dispute the effectiveness of personalization, there are still barriers to being able to personalize at scale, namely the time and cost involved in creating personalized content. A survey of more than 1,000 US consumers from Periscope by McKinsey shares some insights on personalized messages and what consumers think of them.

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Top Small Business Marketing Tools [CHART]

Chart: Small Business Marketing Tools

Most small business owners are self-taught when it comes to marketing and promoting their businesses. And while most do some form of marketing for their businesses, fewer than half consider themselves marketing savvy.

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