Social Networking Phenomenon

I mentioned at the end of September that I would be participating in a town hall forum on social media for KMSQ TV, the PBS affiliate in Austin, Minnesota. I promised I’d post video of the forum discussion when it became available. It’s become available.

I had a great time and was fortunate to participate with such a smart group of people. My fellow panelists were Nels Pierson, a social networking user; Robin Callaghan, Winona State University professor, Mass Communication; Julia Schrenkler, Minnesota Public Radio; and Todd Paddock, Winona State University professor, Sociology. KMSQ’s Stephanie Passingham moderated. Found at YouTube from KSMQ.

Social Media Town Hall Forum

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
